I'm drowning in backed up superhero solicits right now so let's start sifting through and see what gems we might be able to find.
You'll see that I'll try to include a little order code with most items (ex:JUL200019). Show some love to your retailer and use those codes when you can, it saves a lot of time on the data entry end of things.

(W) Maurene Goo (A) Takeshi Miyazawa (CA) Stonehouse
By day Cindy Moon is an intrepid reporter for the upstart new media empire Threats & Menaces under her old boss, J. Jonah Jameson. By night, she's Silk, crime fighting super hero! But those worlds are about to collide, as an investigation into a series of gangland murders puts Silk and everyone she loves in danger! Who is this powerful new player in New York's underworld, where did she come from, and what is she doing with that strange cat demon? It will take all of Cindy's prowess as reporter and hero to find the answers...and stay alive!
Written by Maurene Goo (I Believe in a Thing Called Love) and drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa (RUNAWAYS, GHOST SPIDER), Cindy is on assignment, and nothing can stop her!
Rated T
Why this caught my eye:
I really love Takeshi Miyazawa's art so I like to push any projects he's working on. It's great they are doing something for Silk too, even if it's just a limited series for now.

(W) Julio Anta (A) Anna Wieszczyk (CA) Lisa Sterle
When a young boy is torn away from his mother while seeking asylum at the U.S. border, something begins to change in him, and it isn't just the trauma, anxiety, and guilt you'd expect. He doesn't know it yet, but it's the onset of superhuman abilities that will change his life forever. JULIO ANTA and ANNA WIESZCZYK debut with a deeply grounded and heartfelt five-issue series that explores the real-world implications of a migrant with extraordinary powers.
Why this caught my eye:
Painfully relevant and I'm interested in seeing how they approach the subject. Wieszczyk's art also looks great and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

(W) Dave Dwonch, Brockton McKinney (A/CA) Magenta King
Meet Jenny Tetsuo, the hard drinkin', hard partyin' daughter of beloved superhero, Mega Commander Zero. After washing out as the military's top kaiju killer, "Jenny Zero" now lives the celebutante life with her hotel heiress and publicist best friend, Dana Sheraton. But when the massive creatures return, Jenny must decide if she can sober up and save the world!
From Dave Dwonch (Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab, Mind Palace), Brock McKinney (MAD Magazine, Full Moon Deadly Ten films) and superstar in the making, Magenta King comes a new hero for a new decade! FEB210259
Why this caught my eye:
I like the sound of blending superheroes with kaiju action, and the overall setup sounds pretty entertaining. Also, this Batman pic from Magenta King brings me much joy. Check out more of their art here.

WONDER GIRL #1Written by: Joelle Jones | Art by: Joelle Jones | Card stock variant cover by: Bilquis Evely | Teams card stock variant cover by: Rafael Grampa (minimum order 250 copies) | 1:25 variant cover by: J. Scott Campbell | Blank variant cover | On sale: 5/18/21 | $3.99 US | 32 pages | FC | DC | CARD STOCK VARIANT COVERS $4.99 US
The story of Yara Flor starts here!
Raised in the faroff land of Boise, Idaho, Yara Flor has always felt something was missing from her life—and now she is headed to Brazil to find it. Little does she know her arrival will set off a series of events that will change the world of Wonder Woman forever. Her return has been prophesied, and with that prophecy comes the undivided attention of benevolent gods from pantheons beyond. Danger lurks around every corner—but is this young hero ready for her journey? Find out in a debut issue you absolutely cannot miss!
Spinning out of the bestselling Future State: Wonder Woman, acclaimed writer/artist Joëlle Jones makes a triumphant return to the character to officially introduce her into the DC Universe. You think you know Wonder Girl, but you have never seen her like this!
Why this caught my eye:
Highlighting for all the Joelle Jones fans, this should be a fun project with her at the helm.

(W) Michael Allred (A/CA) Michael Allred
From Madman's first appearance through his mysterious origins to his adventures throughout time, space, and pop-art absurdity; follow Frank Einstein's superhero alter ego Madman as he adventures through Snap City and encounters many timeless characters and villains in this true homage to superhero fiction, metaphysical philosophy, 1950s science-fiction films, pop music, and much more in this true humorous and heartfelt comic-book classic!
The Madman universe library edition series collects all of Allred's award-winning Madman comics (a.k.a. the "Madmaniverse") in selected reading order for the ultimate Madman fan! This 680-page volume collects Madman's adventures from 1990 to 1996, reprinting "For the Record," Madman (original series) #1-#3, Madman Adventures #1-#3, and Madman Comics #1-#10, bonus pinups by some of comics' greatest talent like Frank Miller, Jack Kirby, Moebius, and more; and featuring THEY!- Allred's never-before-published first effort to make comics!
Why this caught my eye:
This is a difficult temptation for me, because I have a lot of this material (although most of it is boxed up somewhere) and I shouldn't be dropping $99.99 on it right now. The trick is, Dark Horse hardcovers are just so well done and I expect that $100 to be a steal for the quality of the package. Something to keep on the wish list.
That's it for this batch, I might do another round of superheroes because I'm painfully behind on them at the moment and I'm catching a lot of worthwhile items to highlight.