I initially missed out on this when it was first offered, but former manager of Corner Comics Nicole Lamb brought it to my attention with this particular strip:

And so I immediately fell in love with it.
Created by Pseudonym Jones, this collection includes works from 2014-2019. This slice-of-life comedy follows two friends, a duck and a bear, as they navigate through life's twisting roads of relationships, depression, gender identity, and more.

As you work through the book, Jones' style and character designs shift and change, and as these elements change so do some of the characters themselves, highlighted initially when the duck character decides to wear dresses, and then later picks their new name midway through the collection. The book follows Spatzle's transition, from coming out to friends and family, administering estradiol injections, dealing with disrespectful assholes, and more.

Fanlee's immediate acceptance and support underlines the heartwarming nature of the friendship that's centerstage in their world. While they are very different people, that support and love never changes.

Also, I can not stress how much I love Fanlee.

If you're in the mood for a sassy and genuinely heartfelt comedy, definitely check this out. The $12 might scare you away as it's a smaller zine like book (5″ x 6″) at 64 full-color pages, but you definitely get a lot of value for it, plus you're supporting a smaller press publication.
If you would like pick up the book, you can purchase it directly here.
You can check out more of Pseudonym Jones' work at: